JACO's comprehensive COVID-19 response significantly impacted Sudan’s national efforts, providing essential support during critical times. Leading initiatives like PPE distribution, medical training, and a widespread SMS-based awareness platform, JACO reached 10-15 million people with life-saving information. By collaborating with the government, WHO, and NGOs, JACO enhanced the capacity of over 10 primary healthcare centers across the country. As the sole NGO supporting isolation centers during the pandemic's peak, JACO was integral to the national response. Additionally, the launch of the ‘Home Management for COVID-19 Cases’ initiative, in partnership with the Ministry of Health, helped alleviate pressure on hospitals by supporting mild to moderate cases at home. JACO's efforts were instrumental in the fight against COVID-19 in Sudan, saving lives and reducing the strain on the healthcare system


In partnership with the Japanese Embassy, JACO played a pivotal role in rehabilitating Sudan’s primary healthcare systems to address the growing burden of chronic diseases, with a focus on child and maternal health. With significant funding, JACO successfully rehabilitated 65 healthcare centers, enhancing access to essential services across the country. One notable project was the renovation of the Mygoma Centre in Khartoum, where JACO ensured the continuation of vital healthcare services, such as vaccinations and antenatal care, throughout the construction phase. Funded by the Japanese Government, this initiative not only improved healthcare infrastructure but also contributed to the well-being of countless families, reinforcing JACO’s commitment to strengthening Sudan’s healthcare system


JACO is at the forefront of the fight against sexual violence in conflict zones, actively campaigning for the protection of women and girls. By collaborating with both local and international partners, JACO has raised awareness and implemented critical protective measures to safeguard vulnerable populations. In addition to advocacy, JACO provides comprehensive support to survivors, offering compassionate care and essential services such as food, baby formula, clothing, blankets, midwifery services, and psychological counseling. Through these efforts, JACO is not only addressing the immediate needs of survivors but also working to create lasting change and a safer environment for women in conflict-affected areas.


JACO has been a leader in improving maternal health by spearheading midwife training and offering scholarships to support both maternal and sexual health. Through a strategic partnership with the Indian Embassy, JACO significantly enhanced midwife and obstetrician training programs, equipping healthcare professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to provide high-quality maternal care. These efforts have played a crucial role in boosting maternal health services across Sudan, ensuring safer pregnancies and deliveries for countless women. By investing in the training of healthcare workers, JACO is fostering long-term improvements in maternal and sexual health, with a focus on saving lives and empowering women.


During Sudan’s revolution from December 2018 to August 2019, JACO responded to a dire shortage of essential medications and medical equipment caused by political instability and disrupted services. Recognizing the urgent need for life-saving treatments, JACO launched the ‘Save Sudan Child’ initiative, a task force led by Sudanese experts in child health, including specialists from the Sudanese Pediatric Association and tertiary children’s hospitals. The task force worked tirelessly to secure vital medications, such as antiepileptics, by communicating the severity of the crisis to Sudanese pharmaceutical companies, the WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA. JACO also engaged directly with key stakeholders, including the Transitional Military Council, the Forces of Freedom and Change alliance, and the Ministry of Health & Medical Supply, as well as international organizations and embassies. Thanks to these efforts, JACO was able to secure funding and resources to provide antiepileptic medication for children for four months, based on estimates from the Department of Child Neurology. This initiative was a critical step in ensuring the survival and well-being of children during a time of great uncertainty.